Packager and Sample Downloads

You can download PallyCon DRM CLI Packager and PallyCon integration sample from the below links, to integrate PallyCon service with your service site.

Content Packaging

PallyCon DRM CLI Packager

  • PallyCon DRM CLI Packager is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based tool that packages original content into encrypted streaming content with Multi-DRM.
  • Please refer to the guide for details of DRM CLI Packager.
PallyCon DRM CLI Packager Github Repository


  • This module allows you to integrate PallyCon KMS with third-party packaging solutions via CPIX standard API.

Wowza DRM Plugin

  • PallyCon Wowza DRM Plugin is an addon module of Wowza Streaming Engine that supports real-time DRM packaging of VOD or live stream.
  • Please refer to the guide for details of PallyCon Wowza DRM Plugin.
Wowza DRM Plugin Github Repository

Hybrik DRM Packaging Sample

  • This is an example JSON file for DASH/HLS packaging integration using Dolby Hybrik encoder and PallyCon CPIX API.
Hybrik JSON sample

DRM License Integration

License Token Integration Sample

  • This sample contains source codes which generates license token data for token-type license integration.
  • Please refer to the license token guide for detailed specification of token-type license integration.
Token sample repository

Token Proxy Integration Sample

  • If you want to process the token-type license integration through a proxy server running on your backend, you can implement it by referring to the token proxy sample code below.
Java version token proxy sample PHP version proxy sample

Client Integration

In addition to the integration samples below, see the Client Integration Documentation for links to the Github repositories for the various client SDK products.

HTML5 Player Integration Sample

  • Sample DRM integration code for various HTML5 players.
  • The sample code includes demo content and integration data, so you can check the playback of DRM content without any modifications other than the license key of the commercial player.
Sample Code Repository

Samsung Tizen TV Integration Sample

  • Sample code for DRM integration when developing apps for Samsung Tizen TVs.
  • Supports AVPlay API or web player integration.
Sample Code Repository

LG webOS TV Integration Sample

  • Sample code for DRM integration when developing apps for LG webOS TVs.
  • Supports web player integration method.
Sample Code Repository