License Token Guide


This document describes the specification of license token used for the token type and proxy type integrations.

There are two types of methods for issuing multi-DRM (FPS, Widevine, PlayReady, WisePlay, NCG) licenses from DoveRunner cloud server.

  1. Token type
  • When a multi-DRM client tries to play DRM content, the client requests a token to the content service platform to acquire DRM license. The service platform verifies that the user requesting the token has permission to the content, and then generates a token data according to the specification.
  • The service platform can set usage rights and various security policies in the token data. The generated token is delivered to the client as response.
  • When the client requests a DRM license with the token, DoveRunner cloud server validates the token and issues a license.
  1. Token proxy method
  • A method of relaying the license request/response between the client and the DoveRunner license server in the proxy server of the service site backend.
  • Communication and authentication between the client and the proxy server is implemented using arbitrary DRM custom data, etc. The proxy and the license server send and receive requests through tokens.
The support for the legacy type callback method has been deprecated to improve our service stability. It is because the failure of customer side callback server or network may cause performance issue on the DoveRunner service. Customers who are newly integrating DoveRunner multi-DRM should use token or token proxy method instead.

This document is based on version 2.0 of the license policy specification. If you need a guide to the existing version specifications, please click the button below to download the document.

Download License Token Guide v1.0

Token License Issuance Flow

    participant A as End user (Client)
    participant B as Content Service Site
    participant C as DoveRunner Cloud Server
    A ->> B: Login to service site
    B -->> B: Authenticate user
    B ->> A: Send available content list
    A -->> A: Select content to play
    opt License Token Integration
    A ->> B: Request token
    B -->> B: Authorize and create license token
    B ->> A: Send license token
    A ->> C: Request DRM license with token
    C -->> C: Verify token
    C ->> A: Issue DRM license
    A -->> A: Playback content

(1) Request a token to service site

  • Client requests its service site for a token to playback DRM content.

(2) Token generation (see Specification below)

  • The service site checks the request received from the client and generates a token if the user has permission to use the content.
  • Token includes information such as Content ID, user ID, timestamp, and license rules.

(3) Token transfer

  • The service site returns the generated token to the client as a response.

The creation of the token and the request / response function are not provided by DoveRunner. The service site should implement these functions according to this guide.

(4) Request for a license

  • The client places the received token(base64 string) in pallycon-customdata-v2 and requests license to DoveRunner cloud server.

(5) Issuing a license

  • DoveRunner cloud server validates the token and issues a license according to the rules in the token.

Token Proxy Type License Issuance Flow

Token-based license issuance can also be handled through a proxy server at the service site, as shown below.

    participant A as End user(Client)
    participant B as Content Service Site
    participant C as DoveRunner Cloud Server
    A ->> B: Login to service site
    B -->> B: Authenticate user
    B ->> A: Send available content list
    A -->> A: Select content to play
    A ->> B: DRM license request (challenge + auth data)
    opt Token proxy integration
    B -->> B: Authorize user and create token
    B ->> C: Request license with challenge and token
    C -->> C: Verify token
    C ->> B: Issue DRM license
    B ->> A: Response DRM license
    A -->> A: Playback content

(1) Request DRM license to proxy server

  • A client requests a DRM license to a proxy server of the service site for DRM content playback.
  • The client calls the URL of the proxy server instead of DoveRunner license server URL by DRM LA_URL configuration. Any data for the user authentication may be sent to the proxy via custom header, cookie, or URL parameter of the license request. (using customer’s own auth data specification)
  • License request data (body) sent to the proxy server include challenge data generated by the client’s DRM module.

(2) Authorize the user and create token

  • Service site checks if the user has a right for the content using the auth data sent to the proxy server.
  • The proxy server generates a license token with DRM license rules for the service’s business model and security policy.
  • If you want to receive a custom type license response to implement additional functions, such as limiting the number of devices, set the corresponding option (response_format) in the token data.

(3) Request DRM license to DoveRunner server

  • The proxy server requests a DRM license to DoveRunner license server with the generated token and the license challenge data sent from the client.
  • DoveRunner server validates the token and issues DRM license using the challenge data.

(4) Response license and playback content

  • The proxy server delivers the DRM license data issued by the DoveRunner license server to the client.
  • If the custom type response option is set for the token, the proxy should parse the JSON format custom license response and deliver the original license response to the client.
  • The client player starts playing content using the delivered DRM license.

Token Generation Specification

The service site (CMS) should generates the following JSON token for the request from the client and sends the base64 encoded string as the response.

Sample codes for generating token data are available on Sample Download page

Token JSON Format

    "drm_type": "<drm type string>",
    "site_id": "<site id string>",
    "user_id": "<user id string>",
    "cid": "<content id string>",
    "policy": "<base64(aes256(license policy JSON string))>",
    "timestamp": "<token validity start time (GMT) as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ>",
    "hash": "<base64(sha256(hash message format))>",
    "response_format": "<response data type>",
    "key_rotation": <true|false>
Name Type Required Description
drm_type string No Type of DRM (“NCG”, “Widevine”, “PlayReady”, “FairPlay”, “WisePlay”), case sensitive, Default : “PlayReady”
site_id string Yes Service Site ID which is issued by DoveRunner Console
user_id string Yes An ID to distinguish the user requesting the license (for example, a hash value for the user ID managed by the service site). Input “LICENSETOKEN” if there is no user ID available.
cid string Yes Unique ID of the content. The CID is used in DRM content packaging as well. (Max 200 bytes alphanumeric and ‘-'(hyphen), ‘_'(underscore) characters)
policy base64 encoded string Yes License policy in JSON (refer to specification) which is encrypted by AES256 and encoded as Base64 string.
timestamp string Yes Token validity start time (usually current time) as ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ’(GMT). Token is valid for 600 seconds after the timestamp. (can be adjusted on Console site)
hash base64 encoded string Yes Hash message (refer to specification) which is hashed by SHA256 and encoded as Base64 string.
response_format string No Response data type for token-based license requests. (Default: original)
- original: Responds the actual license data according to the requested DRM specification
- json: Responds in JSON format including the license data and additional information (client device ID, etc.) Can be used for token proxy or client SDK only.
key_rotation boolean No Set whether to enable key rotation for live streams (default: false)
The user_id value in a token is used for billing when using a MAU plan based on the number of end users. According to DoveRunner Terms of Service, you must set a unique value for each end user in the token when using the MAU plan. Please use a separate hash value or random value instead of the actual user account ID for privacy reasons.
DoveRunner Multi-DRM service does not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) of end users unless the customer sets the real ID value of the end user in the token.

The Token duration in the DRM setting page on the console site and the License/Playback/Rental duration of the token license policy JSON below are different settings.

  • Token duration refers to how long you can use the token to acquire DRM license.
  • The duration values in the token license policy refer to how long the client can play content with the DRM license issued through the token.
When custom type response format is set, the corresponding response needs to be parsed separately by the proxy or client. The DoveRunner client SDK basically supports the parsing process, and for clients that only support general multi-DRM integration, such as HTML5 players, you need to build a token proxy or set the option to original when generating a token.

Token JSON example

    "response_format": "original",
    "key_rotation": false


The token and hash strings shown in the above example are not valid data. They are for reference only. For practical application, use the values generated according to this specification.

Example of Token String

  • The below string is the result of Base64 encoding for the above JSON example.

License Policy JSON Data (v2.0)

Compared to the previous version’s license policy specification, the following features have been added in version 2.0.

  1. Multi-key packaging for hardware DRM and security policy support for each track
  • Defines video tracks for adaptive streaming as SD, HD, UHD, etc. according to resolution
  • Hardware DRM and various output security options can be set for each track.
  1. Limiting maximum playable resolution according to business models
  • When multi-track packaging, the maximum playable resolution can be limited by using the manifest / playlist generated for each track. (allowed track types for each user account type)
  1. Offline rental scenario support
  • Supports ‘Dual Expiry’ function to set how long the license is valid after download (rental duration) and how long the license is valid after initial playback (playback duration) separately.

You need to AES256 encrypt the JSON value composed in the format below, and the base64-encoded string of the result is used as the ‘policy’ value of the token JSON.

    "policy_version": 2,
    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": <true|false>,
        "license_duration": <int(seconds)>,
        "expire_date": "<license expiry time (GMT) as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ>",
        "rental_duration": <int(seconds)>,
        "playback_duration": <int(seconds)>,        
        "allowed_track_types": <"ALL"|"SD_ONLY"|"SD_HD"|"SD_UHD1"|"SD_UHD2">,
        "max_stream_per_user": <int>
    "security_policy": [
            "track_type": <"ALL"|"ALL_VIDEO"|"AUDIO"|"SD"|"HD"|"UHD1"|"UHD2">,
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": <1~5>,
                "required_hdcp_version": <"HDCP_NONE"|"HDCP_V1"|"HDCP_V2"|"HDCP_V2_1"|"HDCP_V2_2"|"HDCP_V2_3"|"HDCP_NO_DIGITAL_OUTPUT">,
                "required_cgms_flags": <"CGMS_NONE"|"COPY_FREE"|"COPY_ONCE"|"COPY_NEVER">,
                "disable_analog_output": <true|false>,
                "hdcp_srm_rule": <"HDCP_SRM_RULE_NONE"|"CURRENT_SRM">,
                "override_device_revocation": <true|false>,
                "enable_license_cipher": <true|false>
            "playready": {
                "security_level": <150|2000|3000>,
                "digital_video_protection_level": <100|250|270|300|301>,
                "analog_video_protection_level": <100|150|200|201>,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": <100|250|300|301>,
                "require_hdcp_type_1": <true|false>
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": <-1|0|1>,
                "allow_airplay": <true|false>,
                "allow_av_adapter": <true|false>
            "ncg": {
                "allow_mobile_abnormal_device" : <true|false>,
                "allow_external_display" : <true|false>,
                "control_hdcp": <0|1|2>
            "wiseplay": {
                "security_level": <1|2|3>,
                "output_control": <0|1|2|3>
    "external_key": {
        "mpeg_cenc": [
                "track_type": <"ALL"|"ALL_VIDEO"|"AUDIO"|"SD"|"HD"|"UHD1"|"UHD2">,
                "key_id" : "<hex-string>",
                "key" : "<hex-string>",
                "iv" : "<hex-string>"
        "hls_aes" : [
                "track_type": <"ALL"|"ALL_VIDEO"|"AUDIO"|"SD"|"HD"|"UHD1"|"UHD2">,
                "key" : "<hex-string>",
                "iv" : "<hex-string>"

Overall structure

Name Type Description
policy_version 2 Version of license policy specification (fixed value)
playback_policy json Policies related with playback (refer to spec)
security_policy json array Policies related with security (refer to spec)
external_key json Uses external content key to generate license. (refer to spec)


Set policies related to replay, such as license validity period and whether it is persistent. In the case of content with divided tracks by resolution, the playback policy is applied equally to all tracks.

Name Type Default Description
persistent boolean false Whether the license is persistent for offline scenario. (default: false)
true : keep license, false : remove license after play(for streaming)
license_duration int 0 License validity period. (Unit: second)
Unlimited license is issued when this option set to 0. ‘expire_date’ is ignored if license_duration is set.
expire_date string date of license expiration, GMT Time 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' This setting cannot be used with ‘duration’.
rental_duration int 0 Set when using an offline rental scenario. (persistent true required) License validity period until the first playback starts after downloading (unit: second)
playback_duration int 0 License validity period from the beginning of initial playback (unit: second)
allowed_track_types string ALL Control the content key for each track to be included in the license.
- Value: “ALL”, “SD_ONLY”, “SD_HD”, “SD_UHD1”, “SD_UHD2”
- Example: SD_ONLY-Only keys of SD and AUDIO tracks are included in the license, and HD or higher tracks cannot be played.
max_stream_per_user int 3 Configures maximum number of concurrent streams by the content contract or service plan when using the Concurrent Stream Limiting (CSL) feature. To apply this option, you need to enable CSL feature in DoveRunner Console first. If CSL is enabled and this option is omitted in the token policy, the maximum number of concurrent plays set in the console is applied (default 3). If this option is set to 0, the playback session is exempt from the CSL counting, even if CSL is enabled.

The max_stream_per_user item in playback_policy should be added to the token only if you have enabled the CSL feature in the DoveRunner console. If the item is added to the token without CSL enabled, the license issuance will fail with error code 7023.

Some client devices, such as Hisense TV and Foxxum TV, do not support the license renewal feature and may cause playback errors when CSL is applied. When generating tokens for these devices, you can set the max_stream_per_user option to 0 to exempt CSL enforcement and resolve playback errors. In this case, these devices are not included in the calculation of concurrent streams per user.

Notes on various durations of a DRM license

If the license expires during content playback, whether or not to stop playback is divided as follows according to the client environment and the corresponding DRM standard.

  • Hard expiry: When the license expires, content decryption stops immediately and playback stops.
  • Soft expiry: During content playback, playback continues even if the license expires. After the content has been played to the last point or has been stopped by the user, playback cannot be resumed with that license.

Please note that different methods may be applied to the same playback policy depending on the client device and OS version, so whether or not to stop playback when the license expires during content playback may vary depending on the client environment.

The license duration setting has been used to set the license validity period universally in both streaming and offline scenarios. But in recent DRM specifications, the offline rental scenario uses rental duration and playback duration instead of license duration. (The expire date setting is in the same situation because the value is calculated as license duration when applied to DRM license)

The option is a legacy item maintained for existing customers. In the case of Widevine DRM currently, when the license duration value is entered in the token, it is converted into rental duration and playback duration before being applied to the license.

Customers who are adopting DoveRunner multi-DRM should set rental duration and playback duration values instead of license duration when applying the time limit for offline licenses.

License validity period in streaming scenario

In a streaming scenario, user rights are checked and new licenses are issued every time playback starts even for the same content. Therefore, for video on demand (VOD) stream with a finite length of content or live content that is temporarily serviced for a specific event, the validity period generally does not need to be apply to the DRM license.

Even in the case of 24/7 linear channels where the length of the content is not fixed, in most cases, periodic authorization check is performed through the key rotation function instead of setting the validity period in the license.

Unless there are special requirements, it is recommended to apply the streaming license’s playback policy with default (unlimited) duration as follows.

    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": false

License validity period in offline scenario

Offline rental is a scenario in which content and DRM license are downloaded in an online environment and then the content is played with the persistent license stored in the device in an offline environment.

In that scenario, there are usually two validity periods:

  • rental duration: The validity period from the time the license is downloaded to the first start of playback (downloaded content can be stored for 30 days, for example) Content that has not been played even once during that period cannot be played because of license expiration.
  • playback duration: License validity period from the time of initial playback (playable period, e.g. 24 hours) Content cannot be played after the playback duration period after the first playback starts, even if it is within the rental duration.

When the content and license are downloaded, only the countdown for the rental duration starts, and from the first playback of the downloaded content, the rental duration value is no longer used and only the playback duration is applied.

The playback policy for requesting a license for offline rental with the validity period example above (30 days storage, 24 hours playback) is as follows.

    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": true,
        "rental_duration": 2592000,
        "playback_duration": 86400

The maximum values that can be entered for various duration policies are as follows for each DRM. If a value greater than that value is entered in the token, the license server changes it to the maximum value per DRM.

  • Fairplay : 4294967295 seconds (about 136 years)
  • PlayReady: 2522880000 seconds (about 80 years)
  • Widevine : 2147483647 seconds (about 68 years)


Set policies related to security such as hardware DRM and output protection level.

  • In the case of content that has tracks divided by resolution, it can be applied equally to all tracks or set by tracks.
  • Various output protection options are added to the version 2.0 specification.
Name Type Default Description
track_type string ALL Defines the track to which the below security policies are applied
- Value: “ALL”, “ALL_VIDEO”, “AUDIO”, “SD”, “HD”, “UHD1”, “UHD2”
widevine json Security policies for Widevine DRM
playready json Security policies for PlayReady DRM
fairplay json Security policies for FairPlay DRM
ncg json Security policies for NCG DRM
wiseplay json Security policies for WisePlay DRM


Name Type Default Description
security_level int 1 (WV L3) Widevine security level setting for the track
If set to 5, playback is possible only on Widevine L1 devices.
required_hdcp_version string HDCP_NONE Sets the required HDCP version for digital output
- Value: “HDCP_NONE”, “HDCP_V1”, “HDCP_V2”, “HDCP_V2_1”, “HDCP_V2_2”, “HDCP_V2_3”, “HDCP_NO_DIGITAL_OUTPUT”
required_cgms_flags string CGMS_NONE Sets the security level for analog outputs
disable_analog_output boolean false Whether analog output is allowed (false: analog output is allowed)
hdcp_srm_rule string HDCP_SRM_RULE_NONE Whether to allow the playback of the track when the HDCP device cannot process the System Renewability Message (SRM).
CURRENT_SRM: The track does not play on devices that do not have the latest SRM
override_device_revocation boolean false Whether to allow issuance of licenses for Android devices that have been revoked. (default: disallow license issuance)
enable_license_cipher boolean false Set whether License Cipher solution is applied to the target client.


Name Type Default Description
security_level int 150 PlayReady security level for the track. (150, 2000, 3000) Set to 3000 when applying hardware DRM.
digital_video_protection_level int 100 Output protection level for digital video (100, 250, 270, 300, 301)
analog_video_protection_level int 100 Output protection level for analog video (100, 150, 200, 201)
digital_audio_protection_level int 100 Output protection level for digital audio (100, 250, 300, 301)
require_hdcp_type_1 boolean false Sets whether Type 1 (HDCP V2.2 or higher) is required when HDCP is applied according to OPL settings.
When set to true, digital_video_protection_level must be set to 300 or higher, and content can only be played on client environments that support HDCP 2.2 or later.

Please refer to this link for more details of PlayReady output protection level.


Name Type Default Description
hdcp_enforcement int -1 (No HDCP requirement) HDCP version required for the track.
-1: HDCP not applied, 0: HDCP Type 0 (version independent), 1: HDCP Type 1 (requires 2.2 or higher)
allow_airplay boolean true Whether to allow AirPlay
allow_av_adapter boolean true Whether to allow av adapter


Name Type Default Description
allow_mobile_abnormal_device boolean false Whether to allow playback on jailbroken or rooted mobile devices
allow_external_display boolean false Whether external display is allowed. (default: false)
control_hdcp int 0 Setting for applying HDCP. (default: 0)
0 : No HDCP, 1 : HDCP 1.4, 2 : HDCP 2.2


Name Type Default Description
security_level int 1 WisePlay security level setting. 1: software level, 2: hardware level, 3: enhanced hardware level
output_control int 0 HDCP setting for display output. 0: not restricted, 1: HDCP 1.4+, 2: HDCP 2.2+, 3: not allowed


Used to issue licenses for content packaged with foreign keys not managed by the DoveRunner service.

  • It is divided into CENC (PlayReady, Widevine), AES (FairPlay), or NCG category to set each foreign key data.
  • For CENC and AES, different keys can be set for each track.
Name Type Required Description
mpeg_cenc json No CENC external key setting for PlayReady/Widevine (refer to spec)
hls_aes json No HLS AES external key setting for FairPlay Streaming (refer to spec)
ncg json No NCG DRM external key setting (refer to spec)


Name Type Required Description
track_type string Yes Defines the track to which the below external key is applied (“ALL”, “ALL_VIDEO”, “AUDIO”, “SD”, “HD”, “UHD1”, “UHD2”)
key_id hex-string Yes Key ID for DASH CENC packaging(PlayReady/Widevine). 16byte hex string
key hex-string Yes Key for DASH CENC packaging. 16byte hex string
iv hex-string No IV for DASH CENC packaging. 16byte hex string


Name Type Required Description
track_type string Yes Defines the track to which the below external key is applied (“ALL”, “ALL_VIDEO”, “AUDIO”, “SD”, “HD”, “UHD1”, “UHD2”)
key hex-string Yes Key for HLS Sample AES packaging(FairPlay Streaming). 16byte hex string
iv hex-string Yes IV for HLS Sample AES packaging. 16byte hex string


Name Type Required Description
cek hex-string Yes CEK for NCG packaging. 32byte hex string

Token JSON Examples

Create license request data by referring to the example below depending on the playback scenario and whether or not it is multi-track.

Basic Streaming License

The license for the simple streaming playback test can be requested as below using all options as default.

    "policy_version": 2

The license rules that are actually requested with the above settings are:

    "policy_version": 2,
    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": false,
        "license_duration": 0,
        "rental_duration": 0,
        "playback_duration": 0,
        "allowed_track_types": "ALL"
    "security_policy": [
            "track_type": "ALL",
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": 1,
                "required_hdcp_version": "HDCP_NONE",
                "required_cgms_flags": "CGMS_NONE",
                "disable_analog_output": false,
                "hdcp_srm_rule": "HDCP_SRM_RULE_NONE"
            "playready": {
                "security_level": 150,
                "digital_video_protection_level": 100,
                "analog_video_protection_level": 100,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": 100,
                "require_hdcp_type_1": false
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": -1,
                "allow_airplay": true,
                "allow_av_adapter": true
            "ncg": {
                "allow_mobile_abnormal_device" : false,
                "allow_external_display" : false,
                "control_hdcp": 0
            "wiseplay": {
                "security_level": 0,
                "output_control": 0

Offline license + output security application example

If you want to limit the license period to 30 days of storing and 24 hours of playback, and set output security such as HDCP, you can request an offline license as shown below.

    "policy_version": 2,
    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": true,
        "rental_duration": 2592000,
        "playback_duration": 86400
    "security_policy": [
            "track_type": "ALL",
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": 1,
                "required_hdcp_version": "HDCP_V1",
                "required_cgms_flags": "COPY_NEVER"
            "playready": {
                "security_level": 150,
                "digital_video_protection_level": 300,
                "analog_video_protection_level": 200,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": 250
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": 0,
                "allow_airplay": false,
                "allow_av_adapter": false
            "wiseplay": {
                "security_level": 0,
                "output_control": 1

Example of setting security level for each track

If you set the security level for each track for multi-key packaging content, you can request as follows.

    "policy_version": 2,
    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": false,
        "license_duration": 0
    "security_policy": [
            "track_type": "SD",
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": 1,
                "required_hdcp_version": "HDCP_NONE",
                "required_cgms_flags": "CGMS_NONE"
            "playready": {
                "security_level": 150,
                "digital_video_protection_level": 100,
                "analog_video_protection_level": 100,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": 100
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": -1,
                "allow_airplay": true,
                "allow_av_adapter": true
            "track_type": "HD",
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": 1,
                "required_hdcp_version": "HDCP_V1",
                "required_cgms_flags": "COPY_NEVER"
            "playready": {
                "security_level": 2000,
                "digital_video_protection_level": 270,
                "analog_video_protection_level": 200,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": 250
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": 0,
                "allow_airplay": false,
                "allow_av_adapter": false
            "track_type": "UHD1",
            "widevine": {
                "security_level": 5,
                "required_hdcp_version": "HDCP_V2_2",
                "required_cgms_flags": "COPY_NEVER",
                "hdcp_srm_rule": "CURRENT_SRM"
            "playready": {
                "security_level": 3000,
                "digital_video_protection_level": 300,
                "analog_video_protection_level": 201,
                "digital_audio_protection_level": 300,
                "require_hdcp_type_1": true
            "fairplay": {
                "hdcp_enforcement": 1,
                "allow_airplay": false,
                "allow_av_adapter": false

Limiting maximum resolution according to user level

If you issue streaming licenses to users who can only play up to SD tracks, you can request a license as shown below. (When using the default security policy)

You can combine the resolution control by user level (allowed_track_types) and the security level setting by track together.

In order to control the resolution according to the user level, the content should be packaged with the --multi-key and --generate_tracktype_manifests options by DoveRunner CLI packager.

    "policy_version": 2,
    "playback_policy": {
        "persistent": false,
        "license_duration": 0,
        "allowed_track_types": "SD_ONLY"

SHA256 Hash Message Format

  • The hash message is used to verify the integrity of the entire token JSON value and should be generated as follows:
base64( sha256( <site access key> + <drm type> + <site id> + <user id> + <cid> + <policy> + <timestamp> ) )
  1. Generate a string by concatenating the values of the access key of the service site and the values excluding the ‘hash’ field of the token JSON in order. Access key can be found on DoveRunner Console site.
  2. Generate the final hash message string by base64 encoding the sha256 hash value of the string created above.

The resulting value of the sha256 hash function must be entered into the base64 function as a binary data, not as a string.

SHA256 Hash Message Example

Step 1. origin string
<Access Key>WidevineABCDLICENSETOKENsample-centent-id-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2018-04-14T23:59:59Z

Step 2. sha256 + base64 string (final result)

AES256 Encryption

  • AES256 Encryption/Decryption should be processed as below using site authentication key which is created by ‘Service Request’ on DoveRunner Console site. ( The key can be found on DoveRunner Console’s settings page )
  • You can test AES256 encryption / decryption from the DevConsole page on the DoveRunner site.
AES256 Encryption
- mode : CBC
- key : 32 byte (Site key from DoveRunner Console site)
- iv : 16 byte (0123456789abcdef)
- padding : pkcs7