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PallyCon > Press Release > PallyCon, Nexdecade offer robust multi-DRM solution and scalable streaming services to Banglalink’s top OTT toffee app

PallyCon, Nexdecade offer robust multi-DRM solution and scalable streaming services to Banglalink’s top OTT toffee app

PallyCon – a global leader in providing multi-DRM SaaS and forensic watermarking solutions to OTT platforms – has entered into a partnership with the leading Bangladeshi streaming service provider Nexdecade Technology. This partnership protects the streaming content of the top Bangladeshi OTT app Toffee By Bangalink Telecom against piracy and lets it create user management policies across devices.

The Toffee app, owned by the Bangladeshi telecom and content major Banglalink, has the highest number of TV channels as well as independent content, such as exclusive videos and tele-films, for Bangladeshi viewers inside and outside the country. The popularity of the app makes its content prone to piracy. PallyCon addresses this issue for the app.

Govindraj Basatwar, global business head of PallyCon, says, “Nexdecade Technology is the streaming backbone to Bangladesh’s state owned Bangalink’s most successful streaming app Toffee. By associating with PallyCon, Nexdecade has further strengthened its security infrastructure. Its clients, like Toffee, can now manage their users with fine-grained permission policies using PallyCon’s multi-DRM SaaS. It allows Toffee to maximize the revenue potential of its premium content.”

Nexdecade is a seasoned player in the Bangladeshi market, manufacturing hardware and software for the broadcasting industry, among other segments. It is one of the biggest companies in the country that provides IT infrastructure for the emerging OTT sector.

Bankim Chandra Roy, Chief Business Officer, of Nexdecade Technology, says, “We wanted to bring on board our vast network of cloud and streaming infrastructure a global player that could enhance security right from the server to the client device with minimum fuss. We chose PallyCon as it has experience in dealing with international clients which manage apps with millions of users. It offers a multi-DRM SaaS solution which processes premium content of any duration with a few clicks of the mouse. It seamlessly integrates popular DRM licensing technologies, like Google’s Widevine, Microsoft’s PlayReady, and Apple’s FairPlay, with OTT apps, thus giving a comprehensive coverage across devices and browsers.”

Toffee Director Abdul Muqit Ahmed knows the importance for piracy-control mechanisms for OTT apps. Muqit says that Nexdecade already gives us speed and robustness to deal with millions of simultaneous users with lowest possible latency. He adds, “Now, with the PallyCon advantage, we know that we can reach the last client device without bothering about revenue loss due to leakage of premium content in the piracy market.”

PallyCon is a trusted brand in multi-DRM management for established as well as emerging OTT players. It adheres to security standards prescribed by major Hollywood studios and consortia of technology companies that define security standards. In a single workflow, PallyCon clients can manage their video assets in an on-demand as well as live scenarios and plug revenue leakage caused by international hacking groups.


About PallyCon

PallyCon is a premium content protection service by INKA ENTWORKS trusted by 200+ customers globally, providing 360-degree, cloud-based end-to-end content security for OTT platforms, such as Multi DRM Service, Forensic Watermarking, Visible Watermarking, Distributor Watermarking, Anti-Piracy services, App Security with Quick and Simple integration. It is a ONE-IN-ALL solution for OTT owners.