PallyCon Forensic Watermarking is a Cloud-based SaaS which provides Transcoding,
Multi-DRM and Forensic watermark in a single workflow.
PallyCon Forensic Watermarking is a Cloud-based SaaS which provides Transcoding, Multi-DRM and Forensic watermark in a single workflow.
A pre-processor to produce two differently watermarked versions of the same content. The pre-processing library can be integrated with 3rd party encoder for generating watermarked content during encoding process without complexity
The input video can be transcoded to different resolutions suited for streaming, forensic watermark applied, if required encrypted with Multi-DRM and then packaged with DASH,HLS format ready for delivery.
Watermark embedding can be done via the integrated CDN edge server which delivers mixed stream from the two versions. (Amazon CloudFront, Akamai and Fastly CDN supported)
Converts watermark playback URL in real time through API call to insert watermark payload information in the stream.
PallyCon Forensic Watermark Detector extracts the information to identify the source of the piracy from the leaked content.