Transcoding & Packaging Error Codes

This document describes various error codes related to Transcoding & Packaging service.

Jobs And Tasks Terminology Description

  • Job: Job tells T&P-API how to execute transcode and Forensic Watermark preprocessing or DRM packaging. A job is consists of multiple tasks.
  • Task: A task is a subset of a job . The different tasks involved are as follows:
    • Task 1 - READY (check job type, creation and a source file analysis)
    • Task 2 - TRANSCODING (transcoding task and if the job type has Forensic Watermark, preprocessing is a part of this task).
    • Task 3 - SEGMENTATION AND PACKAGING (packaging the file to DASH or HLS, Multi-DRM is part of this process)
    • Task 4 - COPY OUTPUT FILE (upload packaged file to users' S3)

Task Status Codes

Each task may return one of the status codes listed below.

Status Code State

Error Codes

The details of the error codes are listed in the section below.

Task 1: READY

The first step in the Job creation process is the READY task, where different types of checks are conducted with respect to the service, source video file types and storage to avoid any job failures.

Errors about registering T&P jobs

The below errors are related with job type and service plans.

Error Code Description Solution
E5001 DRM Service is not Active If you want to use DRM please subscribe for the plan.
E2000 Failed to create a job Retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2001 Transcoding information not found The output.transcodings[] field cannot be empty in the API.
E2002 Storage information not found Ensure the job.input.storage_id value in the API is valid.
E2003 Invalid storage region Ensure that the storage requested is in the same region.
E2004 Invalid path or file not found Ensure the file exists or the input file path is valid.
E2005 Internal failure occurred Retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2006 Failed to create a transcoding request token Retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2008 Failed to get job list Ensure the job list details are valid and contact helpdesk if the error persists.
E2009 Failed to get Job details Ensure the job details are valid and contact helpdesk if the error persists.
E2010 Failed to stop job Ensure the job details are valid and contact helpdesk if the error persists.
E2011 An internal error occurred, please retry Retry submitting the request and contact helpdesk if the error persists.
E2014 An invalid status code was requested Make a request with a valid job status code.
E2015, E2016 The requested job id is invalid Make a request with a valid job id.
E2019 Job restart failed In order to restart, the job needs to be stopped properly. Please ensure that the job is in stop state.
E2020 Invalid job create request Check out the API Request form for Job creation.
E2021 Input file or storage details not found. Please verify that the input file exists on the storage and that the job_id is valid before restarting the job.
E2130 Mismatch in the registered TNP service region and the storage region entered in the job request Please ensure that the TNP service and the storage selected region are the same.
E2135 Invalid output.transcodings.[].track_id Please ensure output.transcodings.[].track_id has unique value.
E2136 Invalid output.transcodings.sources Please ensure output.transcodings.sources has valid details.
E2137 Invalid output.transcodings.sources’s count One value must be entered for each output.transcodings.sources.
E2138 input.audios[].remap.track are duplicated Input.audios[].remap.track must be unique value.
E2139 input.audios[].remap.track and output.transcodings.sources.track do not match Please ensure the value in input.audios[].remap.track matches the value in Output.Transcodings.sources.track.
E2145 Use either crf or min/max_bitrate Cannot use CRF and min/max bitrate at the same time.
E2146 Invalid crf If bitrate_mode is set as vbr and crf , crf value should be [0~69].
E2147 Invalid Video min_bitrate Video min_bitrate must be between [10 kbps ~ 100 Mbps].
E2148 Invalid Video max_bitrate Video max_bitrate must be between [10 kbps ~ 100 Mbps].
E2149 Cannot use same time crf, bitrate The crf and bitrate settings cannot be used together.
E2150 Cannot use crf If bitrate_mode is set as cbr , crf option is not available.
E2151 Cannot use min/max_bitrate If bitrate_mode is set as cbr , min_bitrate or max_bitrate options are not available.
E2152 frame_rate value mismatch Please ensure Frame Rate of output VideoTrack(output.transcodings[].framerate) should match with source VideoTrack Frame Rate..
E2153 audio codec value mismatch Please ensure the AudioTrack codec of Output.transcodings[].codec matches with the source AudioTrack codec.
E2154 output audio codecs value mismatch If you entered multiple Output.transcodings[].codec when setting up audio tracks, make sure they are the same value.
E2155 Unsupported audio codec Supported audio codecs : [aac, ac3, opus, vorbis].
E4007 One of DASH, HLS, or CMAF must be set Set at least one of DASH, HLS, or CMAF to true .
E4012 cmaf and other streaming formats cannot be requested at the same time Since cmaf is a format that supports both dash and hls formats, dash and hls are not additionally set. If cmaf is set to true, dash and hls setting values are set to false.
E5001 DRM Service is not active If DRM is required please enable the service.
E5002 Forensic watermark Service is not active If Forensic watermark is required, please enable the service.
E5003 Optional Service For T&P is not enabled Please contact our help desk to activate the T&P service.
E5004 At least ONE service is enabled in (DRM / FWM) Check User’s Service Status with respect to DRM / FWM, and if neither is in service, contact our help desk.
E5005 Audio track must be only 1. Multi Audio tracks are not supported on trial. If you want to use Multi Audio Tracks, please upgrade to the commercial plan.
E5006 Region must be included to register T&P Job Only reported while using API based bad requests, not applicable while using console.
E5007 Region should be in [RG004, RG011, RG013] * OREGON(“RG004”, “Oregon”, “us-west-2”)
* SEOUL(“RG011”, “Seoul”, “ap-northeast-2”)
* SINGAPORE(“RG013”, “Singapore”, “ap-southeast-1”)
E5008 Region should be in [RG004, RG011, RG013] The regions supported are Oregon, Seoul and Singapore.

Analysis of a source file

Error Code Description Solution
E2100 Failed to inspect input files MediaInfo library error. Retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2101 Video Frame Rate is invalid Video Frame Rate must be in [23.98 , 24.0 , 25.0 , 29.97 , 30.0].
E2102 Video Height details missing Check the video file and retry again.
E2103 Video Width details missing Check the video file and retry again.
E2104 Invalid height of video Please ensure video height is an even number.
E2105 Invalid width of video Please ensure width must be an even number.
E2106 Invalid height and width ratio The ratio of height and width must be [W:H = 16:9].
E2107 Invalid Video Bitrate Video bitrate must be between [10 kbps ~ 100 Mbps].
E2108 Invalid Audio Bitrate Audio bitrate must be in as mentioned in list [32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256].
E2109 Invalid Video height For Trial, Video height should be less than [ ~ 1080 ].
E2110 10 subtitles maximum are allowed Ensure that the Number of Subtitles is under 10.
E2113 Trial Video duration cannot exceed 10 min For Trial, Video duration should be less than 10 min.
E2114 Invalid Video Container For Trial, Video Container should be [MPEG-4].
E2115 Invalid Audio Codec For Trial, Audio codec is [AAC] .
E2116 Invalid Video Codec Video Codec [AV1] is not supported.
E2117 Video Codec cannot be empty Please ensure video codec information is included in the API.
E2118 Requested Transcoding Video Codecs must be consistent Output Video Codec should be 1. check out the input video’s media info.
E2119 Requested Transcoding Video Codecs must be in [h264 or h265] The output Video Codecs support only [h264 or h265].
E2120 Maximum Transcoding Video Codec Resolution reached Please reduce the number of output resolutions and retry, contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2121 Invalid codec For Trial account, Video codec for FWM should be [h264].
E2122 The height of the video is below the minimum permitted value Video height should be greater than 234.
E2123 The height of the video is above the maximum permitted value Video height should be less than 2160.
E2124 Invalid video codec for FWM For job type FWM, Input Video codec should be [h264, h265].
E2125 Invalid container for FWM For job type FWM, Input container should be [MPEG-4].
E2126 Invalid container for Subtitle To add Subtitles, only supported formats are WebVTT in Text, TTML in MP4, WebVTT in MP4 container.
E2127 Variable frame rates (VFR) content is not supported. Convert the [VFR] frame rate of the input content to [CFR] i.e. Constant Frame Rate.
E2128 Invalid Frame Rate mode The input content’s frame rate cannot be null. Only Constant Frame Rate (CFR) is supported.
E2129 Bitrate is Required. Ensure Video Bitrate field is not empty in the API output.transcodings[].bitrate.
E3003 Video track information is missing Please confirm that the input video has valid video track details.
E3004 There are too many video tracks in this file Please make sure the input video includes only one video codec.
E3005 Internal failure occurred Retry and please contact helpdesk if the error persists.
E9010 Invalid output codec For Trial, output codec should be h264.
E9011 Trial packaging limit exceeded. : 2 For Trial, the request for T&P job limitation is [2]. Please contact help desk support if the limit is reached.
E9012 Trial video output count limit exceeded : 2 For Trial, output transcoding video count limit is 2. Please contact help desk support if the limit is reached.
E9013 Unfortunately, trial users are unable to input subtitles or captions. For Trial, Subtitles are not supported. Please upgrade to a commercial plan to add subtitles or captions.

T&P Storage

Error Code Description Cause Solution
E3000 Request storage id is invalid The storage_id not registered. This notification is exclusive to API-based bad requests Retry with proper storage id values and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E3001 Fail to get a storage list the requests to get lists do not match or connection error. Retry with valid requests and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E3002 Invalid storage ID used Storage deletion was requested with an ID that has not been registered. Ensure the storage ID is present, retry, contact the help desk if the error persists.
E3007 Failed to update storage information Internal server error - connection failure Retry with valid requests and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E3008 Missing audio track information The file does not have an audio track Please provide a valid file with Audio and retry; contact the help desk if the error persists.
AWS S3 error
Error Code Description Solution
E4010 S3 bucket Access Denied * Check if the Access key and secret key for S3 access are entered correctly
* Check that the service region of the forensic watermarking settings matches the AWS region of S3
E4009 S3 Bucket not found Check if the S3 bucket actually exists
E8003 Other AWS related Exception This is caused by AWS network connection error or other external infra causes.
E8011 Transcoding Error This error could have occurred due to either input file length is very short or invalid file or unknown error occurred during transcoding process


Error Code Description
Transcoding task Failure


Packaging job error codes

Among the error codes below, the items for which solutions are not specified are errors that the customer cannot directly solve. In case of those errors, please contact us through the Helpdesk. During success the code returned would be 0000.

Error Code State Cause Solution
E8003 Failed to get prepared for segmenting see the table of AWS S3 related error contact help desk
E8005 Failed segmenting and DRM packaging occurs when step4- segmenting and DRM packaging Retry the packaging job operation and contact the help desk if the error persists
E9998 Request Method ‘{httpMethod}’ not supported request http method is not supported in this api path. Check the API request format.
E9999 Invalid operation Retry and Please contact the help desk if error persists
Error Code Description Solution
0000 API response success
E1003 The parameter value is invalid Retry with valid parameter values.
E2026 Job stop failed Since the job has already been completed, it cannot be stopped.
E4013 Invalid streaming_format The streaming_format entered in the colour condition is an unsupported type. Supported search terms : DASH,HLS,CMAF
E5011 Cannot change regions when there is a job in progress Change the region when you’re done with packaging in progress.
E9000 Can’t find authorization header Check out our authentication process docs.
E9001 Token value is invalid Check out our authentication process docs.
E9002 The token payload value is invalid Check out our authentication process docs.
E9003 Token is expired Check the token validity time and regenerate it.
E9006 Authentication token and site id value mismatch Retry with proper authentication token and site id, contact the help desk if the error persists.
E9008 Account information not available Retry with valid account information, contact the help desk if the error persists.
E9014 You do not have permission for this site id Retry with valid site id , contact the help desk if the error persists.


Error Code Description Solution
E8007 Failed to copy packaged files to the user’s S3 Retry the packaging job operation, contact the help desk if the error persists.

TNP SNS Notification

Error Code Description Solution
E2203 Failed to connect to AWS SNS. Invalid ARN or credential Please make sure the AWS SNS ARN or Credentials you entered are not invalid and try again, contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2204 The maximum number of notifications which can be registered is [5] Please delete any unused notifications and retry .
E2205 Job notification failed Please retry with the valid parameters
E2207 Failed to fetch job notification details Please retry with valid site id and noti_id (notification ID).
E2208 Failed to get job notification list Please retry with valid requests and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2210 Failed to send test notification message Make sure the AWS SNS ARN or Credentials you entered are valid, retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.
E2211 Invalid access key Please make sure the AWS SNS ARN or Credentials you entered are valid, retry and contact the help desk if the error persists.