Transcoding & Packaging API Guide

This document guides how to use PallyCon Transcoding & Packaging (T&P) service through HTTP API.

Tutorial Video

Common Specifications

The specifications below are common to all T&P APIs described in this document.

Authentication Token

When calling the T&P API, you need to set an authentication token issued by the process below.

Step 1: Generate the base64 encoded Authorization parameter

  1. Navigate to Base64 Enc/Dec page on PallyCon DevConsole.
  2. While Encrypt option is selected, enter the AccountID:AccessKey value in the left text field.
  3. Base64 encoded output will be displayed as the screenshot below.
  4. Copy the output value to use in the next step.

You need to input the AccountID and AccessKey values for your PallyCon service account.

Step 2: Use the parameter value to generate the Authorization token.

Call the token API URL with base64 encoded value in the Authorization request header.

Path Parameter

Parameter Format Description
siteId four alphanumeric characters Your PallyCon Site ID shown on Console

Request Header

Name Description
Authorization Basic Auth : Basic base64encode(accountId:accessKey)

Sample Request

GET /api/token/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: basic authInfo

Response Data Fields

Field Name Type Info
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data.token String api auth token

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 112
  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "token" : "Bearer valid-token"

API Request Header

You can call the T&P API by setting the data issued through the token api in the authorization header.

Common Response Specifications

Response Status

HTTP Status Code Description
Error code Description
401 Incorrect JWT Token specification or user information not found
403 You do not have permission to use the API.
200 Success

Response Data Fields

Key type Value
error_code String 0000: Success / Other values indicate failure
error_message String Error message
data Json Api result

Region Codes

Some of T&P APIs use region codes as below in the request and response data.

Region Code Region Name AWS Region Code
RG004 Oregon us-west-2
RG011 Seoul ap-northeast-2
RG013 Singapore ap-southeast-1

TNP Integration Setting API

Get Integration Setting

API to get TNP Integration Setting.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID

Sample Request

GET /api/setting/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object TNP Integration Information
data.site_id String Site ID
data.region String Region Code to proceed with TNP packaging
data.service_status String TNP Service Status (SE000:In Service, SE001: No Service)
data.trial_pack_cnt Number On Trial, number of packaging jobs
data.site_key String Encryption key required for service site integration (check the PallyCon Console’s ‘Site Settings’ page)
data.access_key String Encryption key used for additional integration such as packager, license token, etc. (check the PallyCon Console’s ‘Site Settings’ page)

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 230

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "site_id" : "DEMO",
    "region" : "RG011",
    "service_status" : "SE000",
    "trial_pack_cnt" : 0,
    "site_key" : null,
    "access_key" : null

Update Integration Setting

API to update TNP Integration Setting.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
요청 데이터 필드
필드 유형 설명
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
region String Region Code to proceed with TNP packaging

Sample Request

PUT /api/setting/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 76

  "site_id" : "DEMO",
  "region" : "RG004"

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object TNP Integration Information
data.site_id String Site ID
data.region String Region Code to proceed with TNP packaging

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 156

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "site_id" : "DEMO",
    "region" : "RG004"


Create Job

The API used to create the Transcoding and Packaging Job

Path Parameters
Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID (four alphanumeric characters)
Request Fields
Field Type Required Description
job_name String Yes Job name
content_id String Yes Content id
input Object Yes Input content information
input.storage_id String Yes Input storage id
input.files Array Yes Input files information.
input.files.[].file_type String Yes file type : multi, video, audio
- multi : Use the video and audio track of the input file. Audio track information must be included.
- video: Use the video track of the input file. Audio track information is not used. multi and video cannot be used together in the same job.
- audio: Use the audio track of the input file. Audio track information must be included.
input.files.[].file_path String Yes input file path
input.files.[].audios Array audio information(Required in case of multi or audio file_type)
input.files.[].audios.[].in Object Yes input audio track
input.files.[].audios.[].in.track Number input audio track index. default: 0
input.files.[].audios.[].remap Object Yes remapped audio track
input.files.[].audios.[].remap.track Number remapped audio track index. default: 0
input.subtitles Array Subtitle
input.subtitles.[].file_path String Yes subtitle file path
input.subtitles.[].language String Yes subtitle language
output Object Yes Output task information
output.storage_id String Yes Output storage id
output.path String Yes Output folder path
output.default_language String Default language code of audio track
output.transcodings Array Yes Transcoding
output.transcodings.[].track_id String Yes track id
output.transcodings.[].track_type String Yes track type : video, audio
output.transcodings.[].track_name String track name : audio
output.transcodings.[].codec String Yes video/audio codec name (video: h264, h265. audio: aac, aac_lc,ac3,eac3 & heaac_v2)
In case of audio codec, the name should be as same as the source file has.
output.transcodings.[].height Number Yes Height of video
output.transcodings.[].width Number Yes Width of video
output.transcodings.[].bitrate_mode String Bitrate mode (cbr, vbr)
output.transcodings.[].bitrate Number Yes Bitrate (CBR)(bps).
output.transcodings.[].min_bitrate Number Minimum bitrate (bps). for vbr.
output.transcodings.[].max_bitrate Number Maximum bitrate (bps). for vbr.
output.transcodings.[].crf Number Set bitrate based on quality. Only available if VBR. Range : 0~63
output.transcodings.[].bandwidth Number bandwidth of video
output.transcodings.[].sample_rate Number Sample rate of audio
output.transcodings.[].language String Language code(ISO 639-1, lowercase two-letter) of audio track
output.transcodings.[].sources Array List of remapped audio tracks to use.
output.transcodings.[].sources.[].track Number remapped audio track index to use.
output.packaging Object Yes Packaging
output.packaging.dash Boolean output dash. Either dash or hls or cmaf is required. If you set this streaming format, the cmaf must have a false value.
output.packaging.hls Boolean output hls. Either dash or hls is cmaf is required. If you set this streaming format, the cmaf must have a false value.
output.packaging.cmaf Boolean output cmaf. Other streaming formats (dash,hls) or cmaf are required.
output.packaging.option Object packaging option
output.packaging.option.min_buffer_time Number Specifies, in seconds, a common duration used in the definition of the MPD Representation data rate. Minimum: 2
output.packaging.option.enable_average_bandwidth_mpd Boolean Use average bandwidth for each track in MPD. (default: false)
output.packaging.option.mp4_subtitle Boolean Deprecated
the output subtitle format can be set to Embedded MP4 with this parameter. If the parameter is omitted, the subtitle in Text VTT format is created by default. (default: false)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.dash String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml, mp4_vtt). Only available when output DASH type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.hls String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml, mp4_vtt). Only available when output HLS type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.cmaf String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml). Only available when output CMAF type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
output.drm Object Drm
output.drm.enabled Boolean Drm enable flag. default: false
output.drm.option Object Drm option
output.drm.option.multi_key Boolean Enables multi-key packaging. default: false
output.drm.option.max_sd_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as SD track. default: 480
output.drm.option.max_hd_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as HD track. default: 1080
output.drm.option.max_uhd1_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as UHD track. default: 2160
output.drm.option.skip_audio_encryption Boolean Disable audio track encryption. default: false(encrypt audio)
output.drm.option.clear_lead Number Unencrypted section at the beginning (by second). default: 0
output.drm.option.generate_tracktype_manifests Boolean Create multiple manifest (playlist) files for multi-key packaging. For adaptive streams containing SD to UHD tracks, three manifests are created: SD_ONLY, SD_HD, and SD_UHD. default: false
output.forensic_watermarking Object Forensic watermarking
output.forensic_watermarking.enabled Boolean Forensic watermarking enable flag. default: false
output.job_noti_id String Use the notification ID which has been configured already (Refer to SNS Creation) for TNP Job status update.

Sample Request

POST /api/job/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1541

  "job_name" : "jobName",
  "content_id" : "test-cid",
  "input" : {
    "storage_id" : "input-storage-id",
    "files" : [ {
      "file_type" : "multi",
      "file_path" : "input/input-file1.mp4",
      "audios" : [ {
        "in" : {
          "track" : 0
        "remap" : {
          "track" : 0
      } ]
    } ],
    "subtitles" : [ {
      "file_path" : "input/subtitle/en.vtt",
      "language" : "eng"
    } ]
  "output" : {
    "storage_id" : "output-storage-id",
    "path" : "output",
    "transcodings" : [ {
      "track_id" : "video1",
      "track_type" : "video",
      "codec" : "h264",
      "height" : 1080,
      "width" : 1920,
      "bitrate_mode" : "cbr",
      "bitrate" : 10000,
      "frame_rate" : 23.98
    }, {
      "track_id" : "audio1",
      "track_type" : "audio",
      "track_name" : "english",
      "codec" : "h264",
      "bitrate_mode" : "cbr",
      "bitrate" : 128000,
      "language" : "en",
      "sources" : [
          "track": 0
    } ],
    "packaging" : {
      "dash" : true,
      "hls" : false,
      "cmaf" : false,
      "option" : {
        "min_buffer_time" : 2,
        "enable_average_bandwidth_mpd" : false,
        "subtitle_format": {
          "dash": "text_vtt"
    "drm" : {
      "enabled" : true,
      "option" : {
        "multi_key" : false,
        "max_sd_height" : 0,
        "max_hd_height" : 0,
        "max_uhd1_height" : 0,
        "skip_audio_encryption" : false,
        "clear_lead" : 0,
        "generate_tracktype_manifests" : false
    "forensic_watermarking" : {
      "enabled" : true

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data.job_id Number created job id

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 96

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "job_id" : 123

Search Job List

Use this API to search the Job List

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
from String Search parameter for job registration time. (YYYY-MM-DD)
to String Search parameter for job registration time. (YYYY-MM-DD)
job_name String Search job name.
region String Search region code.
page_unit Number Number of max result per page. default : 25, max: 1000.
page_index Number Index of result page. default : 1
job_id Number Search job id.
job_id_operator String Search Operator of job id. (eq, gt, goe, lt, loe)
content_id String Search content id.
streaming_format Array Search streaming format : dash / hls / cmaf / dash,hls
job_status Array Search job status by list.
job_type Array Search job type by list. drm / forensic_watermark / drm,forensic_watermark
codec String Search transcoding video codec. : h264 / h265 / h264,h2655
time_zone String Search timezone. default : +00:00

Sample Request

GET /api/job/DEMO?from=2022-05-01&to=2022-05-13&job_name=test-job&region=RG011&page_unit=20&page_index=1&job_id=123&content_id=test-content-id&security=forensic_watermark&streaming_format=dash&time_zone=%2B00%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String Error code
error_message String Error message
time_zone String Timezone
total_count Number total count
data Array Job list
data.[].job_id Number Job ID
data.[].job_name String Job name
data.[].content_id String Content id
data.[].job_status String Job status code
data.[].drm Boolean Use DRM
data.[].forensic_watermark Boolean Use Forensic watermark
data.[].dash Boolean Packaging Dash
data.[].hls Boolean packaging Hls
data.[].cmaf Boolean packaging CMAF
data.[].region String Job registration region
data.[].reg_time String Job registration time.
data.[].start_time String Start time for the job
data.[].update_time String Last update time for the job

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 933

    "error_code" : "0000",
    "error_message" : "Success.",
    "time_zone" : "+00:00",
    "total_count" : 3,
    "data" : [ {
    "job_id" : 1,
    "job_name" : "test job 1",
    "content_id" : "test cid 1",
    "job_status" : "TP100200",
    "drm" : true,
    "forensic_watermark" : true,
    "dash" : true,
    "hls" : true,
    "cmaf": false,
    "codec": "h264"
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
    }, {
    "job_id" : 2,
    "job_name" : "test job 2",
    "content_id" : "test cid 2",
    "job_status" : "TP500",
    "drm" : true,
    "forensic_watermark" : false,
    "dash" : true,
    "hls" : false,
    "cmaf": false,
    "codec": "h265"
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
    }, {
    "job_id" : 3,
    "job_name" : "test job 3",
    "content_id" : "test cid 3",
    "job_status" : "TP700200",
    "drm" : true,
    "forensic_watermark" : true,
    "dash" : true,
    "hls" : true,
    "cmaf": false,
    "codec": "h264"
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
    }  ]

Get Job Detail

This API is used to Get the Job details

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
jobId Job ID

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
time_zone Yes Search timezone. default: +00:00

Sample Request

GET /api/job/DEMO/1?time_zone=%2B00%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
time_zone String Timezone
data Object Job Information
data.job_id Number Job Id
data.job_name String Job name
data.job_status String Job status code
data.region String Region code
data.content_id String Content id
data.input Object Input content information
data.input.storage_id String Input storage id
data.input.files Array Input files information.
data.input.files.[].file_type String file type : multi, video, audio
- multi : Use the video and audio track of the input file. Audio track information must be included.
- video: Use the audio track of the input file. Audio track information is not used. Multi and video cannot be used together in the same job.
- audio: Use the audio track of the input file. Audio track information must be included.
data.input.files.[].file_path String input file path
data.input.files.[].audios Array audio information
data.input.files.[].audios.[].in.track Number input audio track index
data.input.files.[].audios.[].remap.track Number remapped audio track index
data.input.subtitles Array Subtitle
data.input.subtitles.[].file_path String subtitle file path
data.input.subtitles.[].language String subtitle language
data.output Object Output task information
data.output.storage_id String Output storage id
data.output.path String Output folder path
data.output.default_language String Default language code of audio track
data.output.transcodings Array Transcoding
data.output.transcodings.[].track_id String track id
data.output.transcodings.[].track_type String track type : video, audio
data.output.transcodings.[].track_name String track name : audio
data.output.transcodings.[].codec String video/audio codec name (video: h264, h265. audio: aac, aac_lc,ac3,eac3 & heaac_v2)
data.output.transcodings.[].height Number Height of video
data.output.transcodings.[].width Number Width of video
data.output.transcodings.[].bitrate_mode String Bitrate mode (cbr, vbr)
data.output.transcodings.[].bitrate Number Bitrate (bps).
data.output.transcodings.[].min_bitrate Number Minimum bitrate (bps). for vbr.
data.output.transcodings.[].max_bitrate Number Maximum bitrate (bps). for vbr.
data.output.transcodings.[].frame_rate Number Frame rate of video
data.output.transcodings.[].crf Number Bitrate based on quality. Only available if VBR. Range : 0~63
data.output.transcodings.[].bandwidth Number bandwidth of video
data.output.transcodings.[].sample_rate Number Sample rate of audio
data.output.transcodings.[].language String Language code(ISO 639-1, lowercase two-letter) of audio track
data.output.transcodings.[].sources Array List of remapped audio tracks to use.
data.output.transcodings.[].sources.[].track Number remapped audio track index to use.
data.output.packaging Object Packaging
data.output.packaging.dash Boolean output dash. Either dash or hls or cmaf is required. If you set this streaming format, the cmaf must have a false value.
data.output.packaging.hls Boolean output hls. Either dash or hls or cmaf is required. If you set this streaming format, the cmaf must have a false value.
data.output.packaging.cmaf Boolean output cmaf. Other streaming formats (dash,hls) or cmaf are required.
data.output.packaging.option Object packaging option
data.output.packaging.option.min_buffer_time Number Specifies, in seconds, a common duration used in the definition of the MPD Representation data rate. Minimum: 2
data.output.packaging.option.enable_average_bandwidth_mpd Boolean Use average bandwidth for each track in MPD. (default: false)
output.packaging.option.mp4_subtitle Boolean Deprecated
the output subtitle format can be set to Embedded MP4 with this parameter. If the parameter is omitted, the subtitle in Text VTT format is created by default. (default: false)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.dash String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml, mp4_vtt). Only available when output DASH type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.hls String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml, mp4_vtt). Only available when output HLS type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
output.packaging.option.subtitle_format.cmaf String Able to set subtitle format with option name(text_vtt, mp4_ttml). Only available when output CMAF type is requested. (default: text_vtt)
data.output.drm Object Drm
data.output.drm.enabled Boolean Drm enable flag. default: false
data.output.drm.option Object Drm option
data.output.drm.option.multi_key Boolean Enables multi-key packaging. default: false
data.output.drm.option.max_sd_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as SD track. default: 480
data.output.drm.option.max_hd_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as HD track. default: 1080
data.output.drm.option.max_uhd1_height Number Max resolution to be packaged as UHD track. default: 2160
data.output.drm.option.skip_audio_encryption Boolean Disable audio track encryption. default: false(encrypt audio)
data.output.drm.option.clear_lead Number Unencrypted section at the beginning (by second). default: 0
data.output.drm.option.generate_tracktype_manifests Boolean Create multiple manifest (playlist) files for multi-key packaging. For adaptive streams containing SD to UHD tracks, three manifests are created: SD_ONLY, SD_HD, and SD_UHD. default: false
data.output.forensic_watermarking Object Forensic watermarking
data.output.forensic_watermarking.enabled Boolean Forensic watermarking enable flag. default: false
data.output.job_noti_id String The notification ID set for the TNP Job.
data.reg_time String Job registration time
data.start_time String Job start time
data.update_time String Last update time for the job

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1542

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "time_zone" : "+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "job_name" : "jobName",
    "content_id" : "test-cid",
    "input" : {
      "storage_id" : "12312312312312312312312312312312",
      "files" : [ {
        "file_type" : "multi",
        "file_path" : "del-short-hevc.mp4",
        "audios" : [ {
          "in" : {
            "track" : 0
          "remap" : {
            "track" : 0
        } ]
      } ]
    "output" : {
      "storage_id" : "32132132132132132132131231232132",
      "path" : "saas-pack",
      "transcodings" : [ {
        "track_id" : "video1",
        "track_type" : "video",
        "codec" : "H265",
        "height" : 1080,
        "width" : 1920,
        "bitrate" : 2500,
        "frame_rate" : 23.98
      }, {
        "track_id" : "video2",
        "track_type" : "video",
        "codec" : "H264",
        "height" : 720,
        "width" : 1080,
        "bitrate" : 1500,
        "frame_rate" : 23.98
      }, {
        "track_id" : "audio1",
        "track_type" : "audio",
        "codec" : "aac",
        "sources" : [ {
          "track" : 0
        } ]
      } ],
      "packaging" : {
        "dash" : true,
        "hls" : true,
        "cmaf" : false
      "drm" : {
        "enabled" : true
      "forensic_watermarking" : {
        "enabled" : true
    "job_id" : 1,
    "region" : "RG011",
    "job_status" : "TP100100",
    "start_time" : "2022-05-20T17:03:41",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T17:02:17"

Job Stop

The below API is used to stop the T&P job

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
jobId Job ID

Sample Request

PUT /api/job/DEMO/1/stop HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Job Information
data.job_id Number Job Id

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 94

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "job_id" : 1

Job Restart

API to restart the job.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
jobId Job ID

Sample Request

PUT /api/job/DEMO/1/restart HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Job Information
data.job_id Number Job Id

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 94

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "job_id" : 1

Storage API

Create Storage

API to create the storage ID

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID

Request Fields

Field Type Required Description
storage_name String Yes Name of the storage
aws_bucket String Yes Name of S3 bucket
io_type String Yes Storage input/output type
access_key_id String Yes S3 access key id
secret_key String Yes S3 secret key
region String Yes Region code
description String Storage description

Sample Request

POST /api/storage/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 295

  "storage_name" : "test-input-storage",
  "aws_bucket" : "watermark-input-seoul",
  "io_type" : "input",
  "access_key_id" : "valid-test-storage-access-key-id",
  "secret_key" : "valid-in-test-storage-secret-key",
  "region" : "RG011",
  "description" : "This storage is test input bucket."

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data.storage_id String created storage id

Sample Response

| HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 115

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "storage_id" : "input-storage-id"

Search Storage List

API to search in the Storage List

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
from Search parameter for storage registration time. (YYYY-MM-DD)
to Search parameter for storage registration time. (YYYY-MM-DD)
storage_name Search storage name.
region Search storage region code.
page_unit Number of max result per page. default : 25, max: 1000.
page_index Index of result page. default : 1
time_zone Search timezone. default: +00:00

Sample Request

GET /api/storage/DEMO?from=2022-05-01&to=2022-05-13&storage_name=test-storage&region=RG011&page_unit=20&page_index=1&time_zone=%2B00%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String Error code
error_message String Error message
time_zone String Timezone
data Array Storage list
data.[].storage_id String Storage id
data.[].storage_name String Storage name
data.[].aws_bucket String Bucket name
data.[].io_type String input / output
data.[].region String Storage region
data.[].reg_time String Storage registration time YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh-mm-ss
data.[].update_time String Last update time YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh-mm-ss

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 775

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "time_zone" : "+00:00",
  "data" : [ {
    "storage_id" : "e42e5fc74bee455db0fc2d79038dbabb",
    "storage_name" : "test storage 1",
    "aws_bucket" : "test bucket 1",
    "io_type" : "input",
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
  }, {
    "storage_id" : "50273cb8e91242f3ad6b9dd49faf8f03",
    "storage_name" : "test storage 2",
    "aws_bucket" : "test bucket 2",
    "io_type" : "input",
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
  }, {
    "storage_id" : "69798b703f3c46b996a1335a54c3fa0e",
    "storage_name" : "test storage 3",
    "aws_bucket" : "test bucket 3",
    "io_type" : "input",
    "region" : "RG011",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-20T00:00:00"
  } ]

Get Storage Detail

API to get the storage details

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
storageId Storage id

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
time_zone Search timezone. default: +00:00

Sample Request

GET /api/storage/DEMO/12312312312312312312312312312312?time_zone=%2B00%3A00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
time_zone String Timezone
data Object Storage Information
data.storage_id String Storage Id
data.storage_name String Storage name
data.io_type String Storage input/output type
data.aws_bucket String Bucket name
data.region String Region code
data.access_key_id String Storage access key id
data.secret_key String storage secret key
data.description String Storage Description
data.reg_time String Storage registration time (YYYY-MM-DD’T’hh-mm-ss)
data.update_time String Last update time

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 547

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "time_zone" : "+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "storage_id" : "12312312312312312312312312312312",
    "storage_name" : "test-input-storage",
    "io_type" : "input",
    "aws_bucket" : "watermark-input-seoul",
    "region" : "RG011",
    "access_key_id" : "valid-test-storage-access-key-id",
    "secret_key" : "valid-in-test-storage-secret-key",
    "description" : "This storage is test input bucket.",
    "update_time" : "2022-05-26T05:43:01",
    "reg_time" : "2022-05-25T05:43:01"

Update Storage

API to update the storage details

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
storageId Storage id
Request Fields
Field Type Description
storage_name String Storage name
access_key_id String S3 access key id
secret_key String S3 secret key
aws_bucket String S3 bucket name
io_type String input / output
description String Storage description

Sample Request

PUT /api/storage/DEMO/12312312312312312312312312312312 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 217

  "storage_name" : "test-input-storage",
  "aws_bucket" : "watermark-input-seoul",
  "io_type" : "input",
  "access_key_id" : "valid-test-storage-access-key-id",
  "secret_key" : "valid-in-test-storage-secret-key"

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Storage Information
data.storage_id String Storage Id

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 131

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "storage_id" : "12312312312312312312312312312312"

Delete Storage ID

API to delete storage ID

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
storageId Storage ID

Sample Request

DELETE /api/storage/DEMO/12312312312312312312312312312312 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Storage Information
data.storage_id String Storage Id

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 131

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "storage_id" : "12312312312312312312312312312312"

Delete Multiple Storages

API to delete multiple storage IDs at once.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
storage_ids Array

Sample Request

DELETE /api/storage/DEMO HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 118

  "site_id" : "DEMO",
  "storage_ids" : [ "12312312312312312312312312312312", "12312312312312312312312312312313" ]

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Storage Information
data.site_id String Site id
data.storage_ids Array Storage Id list

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 196

  "error_code" : "0000",
  "error_message" : "Success.",
  "data" : {
    "site_id" : "DEMO",
    "storage_ids" : [ "12312312312312312312312312312312", "12312312312312312312312312312313" ]

Job Notification API

TNP API supports AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) to get updates on the TNP Job status. Currently the following 4 APIs are supported:

  1. AWS SNS Job Notification creation
  2. Notification Update
  3. Notification Search
  4. Notification Delete

SNS Creation

API to create Job notification

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
Request Fields
Field Type Required Description
noti_name String Yes SNS notification name (maximum 50 characters English case, numbers, special characters (-)(_)(.)) supported
noti_type String Yes Notification type to be mentioned, at present only SNS is supported
url_end_point String Yes URL address to receive notifications (currently only AWS ARN type addresses are supported)
aws_access.access_key String Yes Please mention your aws sns access key
aws_access.secret_key String Yes Please mention your aws sns secret key
alarm_status Object Yes Type of alarm notification status to be set
alarm_status.queued Boolean If set to true, whenever job is queued, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.progressing Boolean If set to true, whenever job enters progress from queued state, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.complete Boolean If set to true, whenever job is completed, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.error Boolean If set to true, whenever job encounters an error, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.stopped Boolean If set to true, whenever job is stopped, notification would be sent (default: false)

Sample Request

Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


   "noti_name" :"noti_test",
   "noti_type" : "SNS",
   "url_end_point" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:73041xxxxx:PallyCon_TNP_SNS",
  "aws_access" :
       "access_key" : "AK1252GDTP5xxxxx",
       "secret_key" : "WwMma1EVkcMBhlCmXxxxxxxx1"
  "alarm_status" :
       "queued" : false,
       "progressing" : false,
       "stopped" : true,
       "error" : true,
       "complete" : true

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Job Notification information
data.noti_id Number Notification ID

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
   "error_code": "0000",
   "error_message": "Success.",
   "data": {
       "noti_id": 1

SNS Update

API to modify/update already created notification

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
notiid Notification ID to be updated
Request Fields
Field Type Required Description
noti_name String SNS notification name (maximum 50 characters English case, numbers, special characters (-)(_)(.)) supported
noti_type String Notification type to be mentioned, at present only SNS is supported
url_end_point String URL address to receive notifications (currently only AWS ARN type addresses are supported)
aws_access.access_key String Please mention your aws sns access key
aws_access.secret_key String Please mention your aws sns secret key
alarm_status Object Type of alarm notification status to be set
alarm_status.queued Boolean Yes If set to true, whenever job is queued, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.progressing Boolean Yes If set to true, whenever job enters progress from queued state, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.complete Boolean Yes If set to true, whenever job is completed, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.error Boolean Yes If set to true, whenever job encounters an error, notification would be sent (default: false)
alarm_status.stopped Boolean Yes If set to true, whenever job is stopped, notification would be sent (default: false)

Sample Request

Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


   "noti_name" :"noti_test",
   "noti_type" : "SNS",
   "url_end_point" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:73041xxx:PallyCon_TNP_SNS",
  "aws_access" :
       "access_key" : "AK1252GDTP5xxxxx",
       "secret_key" : "WwMma1EVkcMBhlCmXxxxxxxx1"
  "alarm_status" :
       "queued" : false,
       "progressing" : false,
       "stopped" : true,
       "error" : true,
       "complete" : true

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Job Notification information
data.noti_id Number Notification ID

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
   "error_code": "0000",
   "error_message": "Success.",
   "data": {
       "noti_id": 1

API to search Job notifications

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID

Sample Request

Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
time_zone String Timezone
total_count Number Total Count
data Array Job Notification List

The Data Array details are as follows:

Field Type Description
noti_id Number Notification ID
site_id String Site ID
noti_name String SNS notification name
noti_type String AWS SNS
url_end_point String URL address to receive notifications
alarm_status Object Type of alarm notification status
alarm_status.queued Boolean The status of job queued notification
alarm_status.progressing Boolean The status of job in progress state notification
alarm_status.complete Boolean The status of job completed notification
alarm_status.error Boolean The status of error notification
alarm_status.stopped Boolean The status of Job stopped state notification
reg_time String Notification created date & time
update_time String Notification updated date & time

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "error_code": "0000",
    "error_message": "Success.",
    "time_zone": "+00:00",
    "total_count": 1,
    "data": [
            "noti_id": 1,
            "site_id": "YOUR_SITE_ID",
            "noti_name": "noti_test",
            "noti_type": "SNS",
            "url_end_point": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:73041xxx:PallyCon_TNP_SNS",
            "access_key": "AK1252GDTP5xxxxx",
            "alarm_status": {
                "queued": true,
                "progressing": true,
                "complete": true,
                "error": true,
                "stopped": true
            "update_time": "2024-08-05T11:02:05",
            "reg_time": "2024-08-05T10:18:58"

SNS Delete

API to delete Job notification

Path Parameters

Parameter Description
siteId Your PallyCon Site ID
notiId Notification ID to be deleted

Sample Request

Authorization: Bearer valid_token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


Response Data Fields

Field Type Description
error_code String error code
error_message String error message
data Object Job Notification information
data.noti_id Number Notification ID

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
   "error_code": "0000",
   "error_message": "Success.",
   "data": {
       "noti_id": 1
The maximum SNS that is supported at present is only 5. If a new notification is required, modify one of the existing or delete an unused notification id and create a new one.