License Error Code
This document provides error codes and messages related to DRM license integration.
Service related error
These are basic error codes related to multi-DRM service.
Error code |
Error message |
1002 | The license limit or user limit of the trial plan has been exceeded. |
1003 | Unregistered Site ID. |
1004 | The Site ID’s service is stopped. |
1005 | The trial plan period has ended. |
1007 | You do not have permission to use the client SDK. |
1906 | Site key decryption failed. |
1919, 1920 | The subscribed DRM service has stopped. Please check the settings page of the PallyCon Console. |
1921 | This site is not subscribed to a key rotation plan. |
1922 | Failed to decrypt License Cipher data. |
2001 | Failed to connect to DB. |
9000 | An undefined error has occurred. (Unknown error) |
9001 | The request parameter does not exist. |
9999 | This mode is not supported. |
10001 | Failed to get trial limit count information. |
10002 | Failed to save trial limit count information. |
CSL related error
These are the error codes related to Concurrent Stream Limiting (CSL) feature that can prevent excessive account sharing.
Error Code |
Error Message |
2101 | License session count processing failed. |
2102 | The number of sessions allowed per user has been exceeded. |
2103 | License session update failed. |
2104 | License session creation failed. |
2105 | License renewal update failed. |
License issuance error
These are the error codes that may occur during the license issuance process.
Error Code |
Error Message |
2701 | Storing license issuance history in DB failed. |
2702 | Failed to save the license issuance failure history. |
2703 | Failed to save certificate information. |
2704 | Update server certificate information failed. |
2705 | Failed to update server certificate serial value. |
7000 | Site key decryption failed. |
7001 | The packaging information could not be found. |
7002 | Failed to generate data to be passed to the content usage information URL. |
7003 | The signature verification operation failed. |
7004 | The server certificate does not exist. |
7005 | The license issuance through issueLicenseFromXML failed. |
7006 | The license manager’s CEK AES operation failed. |
7007 | Custom header parsing failed. |
7008 | The custom data parsing failed. |
7009 | Token parsing failed. |
7010 | The token information could not be found. |
7011 | The token validity period has expired. |
7012 | Invalid token CID value. |
7013 | The Json format of the token is invalid. |
7014 | The popup URL information could not be found. |
7015 | Failed to parse custom request. |
7016 | This token cannot be used. |
7017 | Storing token usage count failed. |
7018 | The DRM type of the token is incorrect. |
7019 | The hash values of the request data do not match. |
7020 | Information required to generate the hash value is missing. |
7022 | You cannot set the renewal cycle value to unlimited. |
7024 | Failed to Get License Due to Being Registered As A Black List Device. |
7025 | Failed to Get License Due to Being Registered As A Black List User. |
7062 | Generation of request data for license policy failed. |
7063 | Cannot find track information to allow playback. |
7064 | The track type name was entered incorrectly. |
7065 | Failed to check DRM’s policy duration limit. |
NCG DRM error
These are the error codes related to NCG (Netsync Content Guard) DRM.
Error Code |
Error Message |
1006 | SITE KEY decryption failed. |
7021 | The DRM type value is not set to NCG. |
Widevine error
Error codes related to Google Widevine DRM
Error code |
Error message |
7101 | Creation of Widevine license request data failed. |
7102 | Creation of Widevine license failed. |
7103 | Communication with the Widevine license issuing server failed. |
7105 | Could not find Widevine Device ID. |
7106 | Failed to get Widevine service certificate. |
7107 | Invalid Widevine challenge data. |
7108 | Processing of the output stream failed. |
7109 | Failed to process Widevine server certificate. |
7110 | The license issuance was rejected because Widevine authentication for the device was revoked. (internal_status : 127) For Android devices, if you want to continue supporting these devices for user convenience, you can issue a license by setting override_device_revocation in Widevine Security Policy to true . (default false ) |
7111 | Parsing of Widevine proxy response failed. |
7112 | Widevine Proxy Response: Invalid pssh data (internal_status : 152) |
7113 | Failed to obtain Widevine server certificate file. |
7114 | An invalid Widevine certificate was used. |
7115 | This device has been permanently withdrawn from Widevine support. (internal_status: 175) |
7116 | The license issuance was rejected for the old version of Widevine CDM that was altered by hacking. |
7117 | Failed to receive device model information from Widevine cloud server. |
7118 | Failed to receive PSSH information from Widevine cloud server. |
7120 | The security level is incorrect. |
7121 | Failed to Create Widevine Server SDK Session for Unexpected Error. |
7122 | ChallengeData is invalid. |
7123 | Failed to destroy Widevine Server SDK Session. |
7124 | Failed to get index value of Key Rotation. |
7125 | Failed to make Widevine Content Key Spec. |
7126 | Failed to set Widevine Server SDK Session Options. |
7127 | Failed to generate Renewal Widevine License. |
7128 | Failed to decode Widevine License. |
7129 | Failed to Decrypt Challenge Data. Please Check the Certificate. |
7130 | Failed to Decrypt Keybox. Please Check the Certificate. |
7131 | The key of the token and the challenge data does not match. |
7132 | Failed to get keys of token and challenge data. |
7133 | Device information does not exist in DCSL. |
7134 | Failed to verify the signed message signature for renewal request with oemcrypto core message |
7135 | Failed to decrypt ChallengeData By License Cipher. |
7136 | License Cipher Request is Invalid. Check License Cipher Flags. |
7137 | License Cipher Info does not exist. |
7138 | PSSH Data is invalid. |
7139 | Failed to get detail device info. |
PlayReady error
Error codes related to Microsoft PlayReady DRM
Error Code |
Error Message |
7201 | PlayReady license creation failed. |
7202 | Communication with the PlayReady license issuance server failed. |
7203 | Generation of PlayReady license request data failed. |
7204 | Failed to read PlayReady license request data. |
7205 | Failed to parse PlayReady request data. |
7206 | PlayReady Customdata does not exist. |
7207 | You have requested a PlayReady license in your Chrome browser. Please check the DRM license linkage information. |
7208 | A PlayReady license was requested on Chromium Edge, but there is an error in the request data. |
7209 | A PlayReady license was requested from a Widevine-enabled device. Please check the DRM license linkage information. |
7210 | Unlimited licenses is unsupported by Playready. |
7211 | Failed to parse XML from Playready server. |
7212 | Failed to get Response from Playready server. |
7235 | Failed to decrypt ChallengeData By License Cipher. |
7236 | License Cipher Request is Invalid. Check License Cipher Flags. |
7237 | License Cipher Info does not exist. |
FairPlay error
Error codes related to Apple FairPlay Streaming DRM
Error Code |
Error Message |
7300 | Failed to decrypt FairPlay Streaming service certificate. |
7301 | Site ID that has not applied for FairPlay Streaming service. |
7302 | The FairPlay Streaming public key for this site ID could not be found. |
7303 | The site ID’s FairPlay Streaming key information is incorrect. |
7304 | FairPlay Streaming license creation failed. |
7305 | The FairPlay Streaming SPC value is null. |
7306 | The FairPlay Streaming Device ID value is null. |
7307 | RSA Key or Password is invalid. |
7308 | Invalid FairPlay Asset ID. |
7309 | AirPlay is not allowed. |
7310 | Av Adaptor is not allowed. |
7311 | Content key or iv is invalid. |
7313 | You can do it with expire date or duration. |
7314 | Offline not supported. |
7315 | Failed to obtain FairPlay server certificate file. |
7316 | RSA decryption of FairPlay Spc failed. |
7317 | The FairPlay Spc data is invalid. |
7318 | Fairplay’s spc is an abnormal value. Please check again. |
7319 | The SPC was made incorrectly. |
Callback gateway error
These are the error codes related to the customer’s gateway server for callback-based DRM license integration. These error codes are legacy errors that are only applicable to customers who use the callback type integration.
Error code |
Error message |
8002 | Custom error about user authentication returned through the callback page. Display in JSON format {“ERROR”:“custom error code”, “MESSAGE”:“custom error message”} |
8004 | Invalid nonce value. |
8006 | The XML value passed to the callback is invalid. |
8701 | Access to the content usage information URL failed. |
8705 | The content usage information URL is not a valid URL. |
8706 | Decryption of the data received from the content usage information URL failed. |
Token policy error
These are the error codes related to the policy set in the license token.
Error Code |
Error Message |
8707 | The start time or end time of the playback period information was not entered correctly. |
8708 | The format of the playback period information was entered incorrectly. |
8709 | The start time of the replay period information is set later than the end time. |
8710 | The playback period has not yet expired. |
8711 | The playback period has ended. |