NCG Android SDK Guide


PallyCon NCG Android SDK makes it easy to apply INKA’s NCG(Netsync Content Guard) DRM when developing media service apps for Android. This document describes how to use the libraries and sample project included in the SDK.

Details of PallyCon Multi DRM service integration are provided in License Token Guide guides. For technical questions about using the SDK, please visit our Helpdesk site.

This SDK product can be downloaded from PallyCon Github repository. In the trial account, you can freely test SDK products within the trial limit on the number of licenses issued. However, in order to apply the SDK to commercial services, you must apply for a plan that includes SDK usage rights when subscribing to PallyCon commercial plans.

Tutorial Video

This video is a tutorial for playing DRM content using the sample project included in the SDK.

For optimal playback, select ‘1080p’ as the video quality and enable subtitle (Korean or English) before starting playback.

Development Environment Setting

NOTE : This document is prepared in accordance with the following environment.

  • Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later

To apply PallyCon NCG Android SDK to your project, you need to copy the jar and so files to the library folder (libs) of Application project. As shown in demo project, you can set project according to the following steps:

  1. Copy so files to libs/armeabi folder.

  2. Copy ncg2sdk.jar file to libs folder.

  3. Add ncg2sdk.jar file to Java Build Path.

  4. Check ncg2sdk.jar on Order and Export tab.

NOTE : In case of managing jar files by generating another folder in libs folder within project, FATAL error may occur when running App. In this case, check ncg2sdk.jar on Order and Export tab.

AndroidManifest.xml Permission Setting

For the use of PallyCon Android SDK, the below permissions are required:

Item Description
READ_LOGS Permission to read LOG
INTERNET Permission to use network
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permission to use external storage
READ_PHONE_STATE Permission to read the status of device
MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS Permission to edit file system


Only one NCG Core object is generated as a single tone.

public class DemoLibrary {
    static Ncg2Agent g_ncgAgent = Ncg2SdkFactory.getNcgAgentInstance();
    public final static Ncg2Agent getNcgAgent() {
        return g_ncgAgent;

In order to use Ncg2Agent object, it should be initialized by init() method. In general, init() method of Ncg2Agent may be called when the app starts(onCreate of

Item Description
NotSupportOffline Not support offline mode
OfflineSupport Support offline mode

If you set the offline policy to OfflineSupport then you can limit the count of app execution. The default limit count is 10 and the value can be changed by calling the setCountOfExecutionLimit method in OfflineSupportPolicy enum class.

public class DemoApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
    private void initializeNcgAgent() {
        try {
            Ncg2Agent.OfflineSupportPolicy policy = Ncg2Agent.OfflineSupportPolicy.OfflineSupport;
            DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().init(this, policy);
        } catch (Ncg2Exception e) {
            String errorMsg = "Exception in init() : " + e.getMessage();
            Log.e(DemoLibrary.TAG, errorMsg);
            Toast.makeText(this, errorMsg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Controlling HTTP communication inside PallyCon NCG Android SDK requires implementing HttpRequestCallback in App and then initializing it before setting callback. You need to call Ncg2Agent.setHttpRequestCallback method to set HttpRequestCallback object.

public class DemoApplication extends Application{
    private Ncg2Agent.HttpRequestCallback mHttpRequestCallback = new Ncg2Agent.HttpRequestCallback() {

        public String sendRequest(String url, String param){
        public byte[] sendRequestResponseBytes(String url, String param) throws NcgHttpRequestException {
        public byte[] sendRequest(String url, String param, int begin, int end) throws NcgHttpRequestException {
    private void initializeNcgAgent() {

License Management

Checking License

A DRM license is required to play DRM-protected content. Licensed data contains the rights for content including usage period and whether TV-out is permitted, etc. So the service app should acquire DRM license from license server before playing the content. The below functions are provided to check the license data:

interface Ncg2Agent{
    // Confirm whether a file situated in the entered path and URL is NCG file.
    public boolean isNcgContent(String strFileOrURL) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Confirm the license of file situated in the entered path and URL for validity.
    public boolean isLicenseValid(String strFileOrURL) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Confirm the license of content for validity.
    public LicenseValidation checkLicenseValid(String path) throws Ncg2Exception;

The LicenseValidation enum type returned from checkLicenseValid method is as follows:

Item Description
ValidLicense The license is valid.
NotExistLicense No license or invalid license
ExternalDeviceDisallowed License with external output device disallowed
RootedDeviceDisallowed License disallowed the use of rooted device
ExpiredLicense The license is expired.
DeviceTimeModified Detected device time manipulation
OfflineNotSupported Failed to access server and detected offline while initializing under the policy of not supporting offline mode
OfflineStatusTooLong Online connection is needed because of too many counts of execution offline. For more information, please refer to the following note.
NotAuthorizedAppID Failed to initialize since the executing App is not authenticated in server.
ScreenRecorderDetected Detected a screen recording app

In Sample Project, confirm license for validity in the following order:

if( DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().isNcgContent(path) == false ) {
    return true;

Ncg2Agent.LicenseValidation validation = DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().checkLicenseValid(path);

if( validation == LicenseValidation.ValidLicense ) {
    // Routine to process license for validity
} else if( validation == LicenseValidation.NotExistLicense ) {
    // No license or invalid license
    // Request license to license server
    DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().acquireLicenseByPath( path, DemoLibrary.getUserID(), DemoLibrary.getOrderID() );
    if( DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().checkLicenseValid(path) == LicenseValidation.ValidLicense ) {
        // Acquire valid license from server
    } else {
        // Not acquire license from server
} else if( validation == LicenseValidation.ExternalDeviceDisallowed) {
    // Not allow to play to the connection to external device such as HDMI device
} else if( validation == LicenseValidation.RootedDeviceDisallowed) {
    // License not allowed in Rooting terminal.
} else if(validation == LicenseValidation.ExpiredLicense){
    // Expired license
} else if(validation == LicenseValidation.ScreenRecorderDetected {
    // You can check the package name and the appName of screen recorder app.
    HashMap<String,String> data = validation.getExtraData();
    String appName = data.get("AppName");
    String packageName = data.get("AppPackageName");

NOTE : To detect the device time manipulation, check if it executes more than limit value set by setCountOfExecutionLimit method in the internal offline mode, OfflineStatusTooLong value is returned. OfflineStatusTooLong value is returned only when it is set as OfflineSupport parameter option at init() method called.

Issuance and Renewal of License

DRM license may be acquired at any time before playing the content; however, SDK Sample App Project tries to issue license at the start of playback. The timing to issue license depends on App scenario. The below functions are provided in PallyCon NCG Android SDK to issue license:

interface Ncg2Agent{
    // Acquire license via the entered path with UserID and OrderID.
    public void acquireLicenseByPath(String path, String userId, String orderId) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Acquire license via the entered path with UserID and OrderID, there can be acquired temporary license by setting a temporary.
    public abstract void acquireLicenseByPath( String path, String userID, String orderID, boolean temporary ) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Acquire license using Content ID.
    public void acquireLicenseByCID(String cid, String userID, String orderID, String acquisitionURL) throws Ncg2Exception;
    // Acquire license using Content ID.
    public void acquireLicenseByCID(String cid, String userID, String siteID, String orderID, String acquisitionURL) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Acquire license using Content ID, there can be acquired temporary license by setting a temporary.
    public abstract void acquireLicenseByCID(String cid, String userID, String siteID, String orderID, String acquisitionURL, boolean temporary ) throws Ncg2Exception;

NOTE : To support offline scenario, it is needed to acquire license when the content is downloaded online.

Removing License

One-time license may be removed at any time after use. In the SDK Sample, license is removed when the video play is stopped. The below functions are provided in PallyCon NCG Android SDK:

interface Ncg2Agent{
    // Delete license via all CIDs of the issued licenses.
    public void removeLicenseAllCID() throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Delete temporary license.
    public abstract void removeAllTemporaryLicense() throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Delete license via CID.
    public void removeLicenseByCID(strContentsID) throws Ncg2Exception;

    // Delete license of the content in the file path.
    public void removeLicenseByPath(strFilename) throws Ncg2Exception;

Playing Content

To play content after acquiring license, you can control the local web server by using Ncg2LocalWebServer interface. When you specify the path of DRM content in the playback API, the virtual URL of the local web server is returned, and then you can play the URL with MediaPlayer or third party player. Below is the virtual URL functions provided by Ncg2LocalWebServer.

interface Ncg2LocalWebServer{
    // In case of Local File,
    public String addLocalFilePathForPlayback(Activity activity, String url, long fileSize) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of PD contents,
    public String addProgressiveDownloadUrlForPlayback(Activity activity, String url) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of HLS,
    public String addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(Activity activity, String url) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of HLS (live),
    public String addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(Activity activity, String url, boolean isLiveHLS) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of HLS,
    // unlike addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(), do not prior check key file equivalent to m3u8 path.
    public String addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlaybackWithoutChecking(Activity activity, String url) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of HLS,
    // You can call this method to add HLS url without accessing the URLs of m3u8 and key file.
    public String addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(Activity activity, String url, String cid) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

    // In case of HLS (live),
    // You can call this method to add HLS url without accessing the URLs of m3u8 and key file.
    public String addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(Activity activity, String url, String cid, boolean isLiveHLS) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2Exception;

The following code shows how to obtain virtual URL from PallyCon contents.

public class PlayerActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Ncg2Agent ncgAgent = Ncg2SdkFactory.getNcgAgentInstance();
        Ncg2LocalWebServer ncgLocalWebServer = ncgAgent.getLocalWebServer();
        try {
            if( mNcgFilePath.contains(".m3u8") ) {
                // HLS Playback
                mPlaybackURL = ncgLocalWebServer.addHttpLiveStreamUrlForPlayback(mNcgFilePath);
            } else if(mNcgFilePath.startsWith("http://")) {
                // PD Playback
                mPlaybackURL = ncgLocalWebServer.addProgressiveDownloadUrlForPlayback(mNcgFilePath);
            } else {
                // Local Playback
                mPlaybackURL = ncgLocalWebServer.addLocalFilePathForPlayback(mNcgFilePath, mNcgFileSize);
        } catch (Ncg2Exception e) {
            Toast.makeText(MediaPlayerActivity.this, "[onCreate] Error Occurred. : " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

The following code shows how to decrypt and use virtual URL.

try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();

LocalWebserver Callback

PallyCon NCG Android SDK utilizes local web server in a proxy server. The event data from the web server can be received via WebServerListener interface. As shown in the following codes, you can process notice or error of Ncg2LocalWebserver.

NOTE : You need to check and return the status of player by using onCheckPlayerStatus() method.

private Ncg2LocalWebServer.WebServerListener mWebServerCallback = new Ncg2LocalWebServer.WebServerListener(){
    public void onNotification(int notificationCode) {
        //Most of notice codes can be ignored. ⧸⧸⧸

    public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        //Show the applicable user error message.

    public PlayerState onCheckPlayerStatus(String uri) {
        if (mIsPrepared) {
            // Return PlayerState.ReadyToPlay only when the player can start play.
            return PlayerState.ReadyToPlay;
        } else {
            // Block playing when PlayerState.Fail is returned.
            return PlayerState.Fail;

NOTE : In order to prevent the case that a hacker accesses content data via virtual URL, the state of player should be monitored. If the content is accessed via virtual URL but it is not playing, the app should stop the process.

File Decryption

PallyCon NCG Android SDK provides the function to also decrypt NCG DRM files. Ncg2Agent can return NcgFile object to open and read decrypted data from NCG file. The SDK provides the following functions for NCG file decryption:

interface Ncg2Agent{
    //Return NcgFile object.
    public NcgFile createNcgFile();

    interface NcgFile{
        //Open NCG file.
        public void open(String path) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2InvalidNcgFileException, Ncg2Exception;
        //Set license and open NCG file.
        public void open(String path, boolean prepare) throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2InvalidNcgFileException, Ncg2Exception;
        //Call the applicable method in a status after open and make it a status to enable decrypting. 
        public void prepare() throws Ncg2InvalidLicenseException, Ncg2InvalidNcgFileException, Ncg2Exception;
        //Close the opened file.
        public void close();
        //Read content data from NCG file.
        public long read(byte[] buff, long sizeToRead) throws Ncg2Exception;
        //Move the location of file pointer to read.
        public void seek(long offset, SeekMethod seekMethod) throws Ncg2Exception;
        //Return the current location of file pointer.
        public long getCurrentFilePointer() throws Ncg2Exception;
        //Return the size of NCG file header.
        public int getHeaderSize() throws Ncg2Exception;
        //Return InputStream for NCG file.
        public InputStream getInputStream() throws Ncg2Exception;

The following is a sample code to get decrypted content using NcgFile object.

try {
    String ncgFilePath = mFilePath;
    ncgFile = DemoLibrary.getNcgAgent().createNcgFile();;, SeekMethod.End);

    // the original file's size will be used for checking success of decryption.
    long contentFileSize = ncgFile.getCurrentFilePointer();, SeekMethod.Begin);
    int pos = mFilePath.lastIndexOf("/");

    // removes ".ncg" in the path of NCG file
    String unpackFilePath = ncgFilePath.substring(0, pos+1) + "unpackFile.mp4";
    fileOutStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(unpackFilePath));
    long totalReadBytes = 0;
    while( true ) {
        long readBytes =, 1024);
        if( readBytes <= 0 ) {
        fileOutStream.write(buffer, 0, (int)readBytes);
        totalReadBytes += readBytes;
    if( totalReadBytes == contentFileSize ) {
        Log.d(DemoLibrary.TAG, "Decryption succeeded");
    } else {
        Log.d(DemoLibrary.TAG, "Decryption failed");
        Toast.makeText(mainActivity, "[unpackNcgFiles] decryption failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} catch (Ncg2Exception e) {


NOTE : It is recommended to decrypt and use the data only in memory, because there is a risk to expose original file if you save decrypted data to a file.

Support for ePUB content

Through the Poco zip library and related APIs added from NCG Android SDK version 2.12.0, you can access internal contents (text, image, video, etc.) without decrypting the entire EPUB file which is in zip format.

NcgZipArchive ncgZipArchive = createNcgZipArchive();"file path"); // file open
NcgZipEntry zipEntry = ncgZipArchive.findEntry("entry name"); // get NcgZipEntry for entry name in zip file.
InputStream in = zipEntry.getInputStream(); // get InputStream for file in zip. 
ncgZipArchive.getZipEntries(); // get all files in zip.

ncgZipArchive.close(); // file close

Releasing Object

After Ncg2Agent object ends its use, release() method should be called for object release. The release() method should be called when the app is closed. (i.e., when a user explicitly terminates the app). SDK sample app shows a dialog in OnBackPressed() method to call release() method.

    builder.setMessage( getString( R.string.confirm_end ));
    builder.setPositiveButton( getString( R.string.yes ), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    builder.setNegativeButton(, null );
    dialog = builder.create();

NOTE : There is a case to call Ncg2Agent.release method in onTerminate method of the app. However, onTerminate method is not always called explicitly so it is not recommended to call Ncg2Agent.release method in onTerminate.

Processing Error

Errors in PallyCon NCG Android SDK is processed through exception. There is Ncg2Exception class which is a basic exception class; and then there exist a variety of separate exception classes which inherit the basic class.

NcgException class is a basic exception class of PallyCon NCG Android SDK, which has internally ErrorCode and Error Message as its members. If ErrorCode is set, ErrorCode can be confirmed with getErrorCode() method; if ErrorCode is not set, -1 is returned. Error Message can be confirmed with getMessage() method. The following is an example code to catch Ncg2Exception exception when calling for the case to use setDataSource() method of Ncg2Player.

try {
    mPlayer.setDataSource(mNcgFilePath, mNcgFileSize);
} catch (Ncg2Exception e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
    errorMsg = e.getMessage();