FairPlay iOS SDK Guide


PallyCon FairPlay iOS SDK makes it easy to apply Apple’s FairPlay Streaming DRM when developing media service apps for iOS. This document describes how to use the libraries and sample projects included in the SDK.

Details of PallyCon Multi DRM service integration are provided in License Token Guide. For technical questions about using the SDK, please visit our Helpdesk site.

This SDK product can be downloaded from PallyCon Github repository. In the trial account, you can freely test SDK products within the trial limit on the number of licenses issued. However, in order to apply the SDK to commercial services, you must apply for a plan that includes SDK usage rights when subscribing to PallyCon commercial plans.

Supported Environments

  • iOS 13.0 or later


To apply FairPlay Streaming DRM, content service site should follow the below steps before starting integration.

  1. Enroll in Apple developer program ( https://developer.apple.com/support/enrollment/ )
  2. Request FPS Deployment Package to Apple ( https://developer.apple.com/streaming/fps/ )
  3. Using the deployment package, create the below four items and register them on Integration Settings page of PallyCon Console site.
- FPS certificate file (.der or .cer)
- Private key file (.pem)
- Password for the private key (string)
- Application secret key (ASK) string


Please refer to the FairPlay Cert Registration Tutorial for details on the above registration process.

Tutorial Video

This video is a tutorial for playing DRM content in an iOS app using the FPS SDK.

For optimal playback, select ‘1080p’ as the video quality and enable subtitle (Korean or English) before starting playback.

Configuring your project

You can add PallyCon FPS SDK by following steps:

  1. Extract PallyConFPSSDK.zip file.
  2. Add the PallyConFPSSDK.xcframework library provided in the lib folder to your project.
  • Add the framework’s path to Linked Frameworks and Libraries setting in Xcode General tab.
  • Add the framework’s path to Framework Search Paths setting in Xcode Build Settings tab.
  • If you are using the latest version of Xcode, you can solve the Swift version issue by using the PallyConFPSSDK.xcframework library.
  • GoogleCast Framework is required to build ‘Advanced Sample’.
  • Use COCOAPODS to install GoogleCast.framework (pod install), and execute the created PallyConFPSAdvanced.xcworkspace.

Quick Start

The following code shows how to stream or download FPS HLS content using PallyConFPS SDK.

Streaming FPS content

// 1. initialize a PallyConFPS SDK.
let pallyconSdk = PallyConFPSSDK()

let urlAsset = AVURLAsset(url: "Content Url(m3u8)")

// 2. Set parameters required for FPS content playback.
let config = PallyConDrmConfiguration(avURLAsset: urlAsset, 
                                      contentId: "ContentID", 
                                      certificateUrl: "Apple Certification URL",
                                      authData: "Token or CustomData")
pallyconSdk.prepare(Content: config)

Downloading FPS content

// 1. Create PallyConFPSSDK instance.
let pallyconSdk = PallyConFPSSDK()

let urlAsset = AVURLAsset(url: "Content Url(m3u8)")
let config = PallyConDrmConfiguration(avURLAsset: urlAsset, 
                                      contentId: "ContentID", 
                                      certificateUrl: "Apple Certification URL", 
                                      authData: "Token or CustomData")

// 2. Create DownloadTask instance.
// You need to use DownloadTask instance for content download.
// DownloadTask should be created by PallyConFPS instance.
let downloadTask = pallyconSdk.createDownloadTask(Content: config, 

// 3. Start downloading content
// If the content download was canceled previously, it will be resumed.

// 4. Cancel download (if needed)

Create CustomData for Chromecast playback

// When using Chromecast SDK, getting CustomData required to create 'GCKMediaInformation' object
// CustomData must be created using PallyConFPS object.
let customData = pallyconSdk.getCustomDataForChromcast(userId: "User ID", contentId: "Content ID", optionalId: "Optional ID")
When using a license token instead of callback, call the method below by setting the token information.
let customData = pallyconSdk.getCustomDataForChromcast(token: "Token String")

API References

For descriptions of all the APIs provided by PallyCon FPS iOS SDK, see the API reference documentation included in the SDK file.
